Saturday, September 15, 2012

Great Gatsby Inspiration

I love to read--LOVE to read. It's such a pleasant escape into a fairytale world. Many times after finishing a good book, I feel slightly depressed that I'm done. I tend to get attached to the characters, and the thought of not "hanging out" with them everyday makes me sad. Go ahead and call me crazy. It does make me sound a tad unstable, I know. If you can relate, please leave a comment letting me know, so I don't feel like a mental person. Anyway, the other day, I decided to start The Great Gatsby for the second time. I haven't read it in probably 10 years, and I was itching to dive into it again. So glad I did.

Now I have the Roaring 20's on my mind. Great Gatsby inspired wedding anyone? So fabulous.




  1. I just re-read Great Gatsby too! What did you think? I loved it even more than I did the first couple times :)

    1. I loved it! Most books, like pasta, seem to be better the 2nd time around. :)
